
Are you ready to join our team? Then, apply to Bloom, our graduate program that we do together with the other Newground Alliance companies.

Below you will find information about the program as well as experiences from other Bloom graduates. When the application opens this fall, you can find the link here!

About Bloom

The Program

Bloom is a two-year journey for you to embark on where you will develop skills through experience by working on real, challenging and complex projects together with experienced consultants that will coach you to enable your growth. In parallel you will receive course packages to build a strong consulting foundation. Even though you belong to Influence Tech, you will meet and work with many consultants throughout the different companies within Newground Alliance who will help you gain insights and knowledge through sharing their own experiences.

Learning together with other graduates will also enable you to create your own professional network of consultants that are on the same learning journey as you. You will be able to discuss and share ideas and learn together through experience.

What you can expect
  • Working on exciting projects as a consultant from day one at Influence Tech
  • A two-year long program, starting in late August, which runs in parallel with your projects
  • Experience-based training, combining Bloom courses with client facing roles in complex and challenging projects
  • Weekly reflections together with the other 20 participants from both Influence Tech and our allied companies to learn from each other
  • Professional and personal support

How you are supported


There is at least one senior consultant who acts as a representative from each participating company to support you as a Bloom participant in your own company. Of course, you will also have the other graduates to rely on for support. During the program all the Bloom graduates will have weekly Friday meetings to round out the week to share experiences, reflections, and ideas. 

Influence Tech Coach

As a consultant of Influence Tech, it means that you have a senior colleague who acts as your coach for you to discuss and reflect with, as well as get support from. The coaches can be used to discuss everything from ambitions and development to what the tastiest coffee in the office is and where the best lunch restaurant is located. 

Project Support

In Newground Alliance, Collective Intelligence and collaboration are at the forefront of our values and as such, you always have a project lead to rely on. As a graduate consultant, you will accompany colleagues on both customer projects and get support with internal tasks.

Graduate Stories - With Daniel and Louise

Meet Bloom23


Education: MSc in Energy, Environment and Management at Linköping University

Passion: Combining the people aspect with the technical aspect

Likes: Skiing, sailing and padel (a few years late to jump on that trend…)

Do you have any questions?
Contact me on LinkedIn


Education: MSc in Industrial Engineering and Management at Linköping University

Passion: To understand complex problems and try to find possible solutions

Likes: Eating good food and trying new dishes

Do you have any questions?
Contact me on LinkedIn

Projects during the first six months

Louise: I was engaged in three very different projects, providing me with insight into the diverse range of work one can pursue here. First, one large program running over several years to implement a new order management system where I belonged to the Program Management Office, supporting in driving and coordinating the program. In the second assignment, I supported in procurement of technical equipment and gained knowledge of how to compare offers. The third, and most technical project was an assessment resulting in recommended improvements of the IT infrastructure surrounding two applications.

Daniel: I have been on two assignments during my first six months. Supporting the architectural function was my first assignment, where my colleagues and I focused primarily on assessing the client’s IT solutions. The purpose was to find potential cost-saving measures by evaluating candidates for consolidation, rationalization, or decommissioning. I mainly worked on my information gathering and interviewing abilities, which I brought with me to my second assignment – an IT assessment. The assignment intended to present a better overview of the IT management, and to recommend actions to improve security, strengthen control, and save costs.

Projects during the first six months

Louise: I was engaged in three very different projects, providing me with insight into the diverse range of work one can pursue here. First, one large program running over several years to implement a new order management system where I belonged to the Program Management Office, supporting in driving and coordinating the program. In the second assignment, I supported in procurement of technical equipment and gained knowledge of how to compare offers. The third, and most technical project was an assessment resulting in recommended improvements of the IT infrastructure surrounding two applications.

DanielI have been on two assignments during my first six months. Supporting the architectural function was my first assignment, where my colleagues and I focused primarily on assessing the client’s IT solutions. The purpose was to find potential cost-saving measures by evaluating candidates for consolidation, rationalization, or decommissioning. I mainly worked on my information gathering and interviewing abilities, which I brought with me to my second assignment – an IT assessment. The assignment intended to present a better overview of the IT management, and to recommend actions to improve security, strengthen control, and save costs.

The graduates in Bloom23

Building psychological safety

The Bloom program mixes graduates from the different Newground Alliance companies to, together, build a broad and solid foundation in consulting.

Daniel: In our year we have a total of 18 participants from six companies with whom we’ve shared a lot since the introductory weeks of the program. Since the beginning, our seniors have created safe spaces to encourage us to build a togetherness in our group and we have had a lot of activities to create psychological safety in our group. A particularly fond memory of mine is the subway party where we visited each other’s homes and had different activities planned by the hosts. I find it to be a very personal thing to open one’s home to others and I think that our group cohesion crossed over to the next level after that night. 

Louise: I appreciate all the graduates’ genuine approaches, their openness to sharing experiences, as well as everyone’s drive and ambition, which is truly inspiring. This collaborative mindset encourages a supportive and friendly atmosphere maximizing the learning and development offered in the Bloom courses. As a junior consultant within Newground Alliance, there are many opportunities to learn new things – from how to optimize the use of different programs and tools to mastering general project management, adopt collective intelligence, developing my self-leadership and understanding my own value and well-being at work.  

Some of our previous graduates

What have you been doing since the program?

“I have mainly been involved in a major transformation project with a client. Specifically, I have been part of a project stream aimed at improving data quality. In addition to this, I have been engaged in some smaller client projects in a variety of industries as well as contributed to Influence Tech’s growth through internal initiatives like developing the graduate program.”

Sebastian Bouvier
Part of the 2021 graduate program

Some of our previous graduates

What have you been doing since the program?

“I have mainly been involved in a major transformation project with a client. Specifically, I have been part of a project stream aimed at improving data quality. In addition to this, I have been engaged in some smaller client projects in a variety of industries as well as contributed to Influence Tech’s growth through internal initiatives like developing the graduate program.”

Sebastian Bouvier
Part of the 2021 graduate program

How did the graduate program develop you?

“In my projects I have acted as a bridge between business and IT, as well as helping teams set up new ways of working and become more agile. By reflecting with others in the program, I have deepened my understanding of team dynamics and enhanced my leadership capabilities which has greatly contributed to becoming more successful in project deliveries.”

Linda Thunvall
Part of the 2021 graduate program

How did the graduate program develop you?

“In my projects I have acted as a bridge between business and IT, as well as helping teams set up new ways of working and become more agile. By reflecting with others in the program, I have deepened my understanding of team dynamics and enhanced my leadership capabilities which has greatly contributed to becoming more successful in project deliveries.”

Linda Thunvall
Part of the 2021 graduate program

What was the best thing about the program?

“I was introduced to new ways of working, thinking and behaving. This helped me increase the quality of my deliveries within the areas of project management, tech assessments, and more strategic architecture work. However, the best thing with the program was the people around me.”

Jonathan Axelsson
Part of the 2019 graduate program

What was the best thing about the program?

“I was introduced to new ways of working, thinking and behaving. This helped me increase the quality of my deliveries within the areas of project management, tech assessments, and more strategic architecture work. However, the best thing with the program was the people around me.”

Jonathan Axelsson
Part of the 2019 graduate program

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